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Body Analysis Assessment

InBody analysis is a comprehensive body composition assessment method that goes beyond simple measurements like weight or BMI (Body Mass Index). It provides detailed information about the distribution of fat, muscle, and water in the body, offering a more accurate picture of an individual's physical composition.

How does it work?

A technique called bioelectrical impedance sends a safe, low-level electrical current through the body. Different tissues, such as muscle, fat, and water, conduct electricity differently due to their varying levels of water content. This allows the InBody machine to estimate the amount of each of these components.

Then the InBody device provides segmental analysis. This can help identify muscle imbalances or asymmetries.

After the analysis, a comprehensive report has been generated that includes metrics such as total body fat, lean muscle mass, visceral fat level, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and more.

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Personal Training

Provides accurate tracking and personalized approach
Monitor progress and goal setting
Preventation and health monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

InBody Analysis Vancouver

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Feel free to reach out to us via the contact form below to book your first session or give us a call at

(778) 650-0335. Your first consultation session is complimentary. 

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